It was the 80's and I had to chose an elective for my last year of high school. Since I'd just purchased a Minolta XG-1 from my next door neighbour (for $75, a hefty sum in those days), photography it was. I joined the Photography Club and along with technical assignments and yearbook photo content, we had creative assignments as well. It was those creative ones that hooked me. I got to come up with ideas, set the scene, find the light, click the shutter, develop the negatives, print the images onto what seemed to be magical paper in a weird little room off the art room.
Was I any good? What was my final grade? Who knows. I only know I was hooked. These days my work is predominantly digital, though I still experiment with film and printing in my studio dark room. But the tool - film camera, digital camera, phone - is just that... a tool that helps me explore, observe and bring the vision of what I see, out into the world with intention. My inspirations are many, and I endeavour to tell stories through portraits, photo essays and long term projects. I am available for commissions and collaborations. My work is available in limited-run prints, books and magazines as well as cards and postcards. Licensable images also available. “To take a photograph is to align the head, the eye and the heart. It’s a way of life”. Advocacy
As an adoptee myself, I’m drawn to the world of helping homeless animals and since 2005 I have volunteered with animal rescue, photographing hundreds and hundreds of animals who are in transition, some of whom are included in my home away from home gallery. I’ve learned to tread lightly in their space, to gain trust, and take the time to learn about them while forming relationships with the organizations who are helping those who find themselves in the care of a shelter or rescue. While my photography has evolved, I’ve continued to draw upon what I’ve learned about shy and fearful animals to help provide photo opportunities for those who might not otherwise have a chance at a photo session. In 2011 I began documenting the post-working lives of former sled dogs which has so far culminated in the production of three photo books, a comprehensive archive of over 200 dogs, and the cover feature in Issue #2 of Wunderdog Magazine out of the UK (April 2020). Please visit I Was A Sled Dog to view this ongoing series. |
Wunderdog Magazine Issue #7, Fall/Winter 2022 Little Town, Big Heart an 8-page spread featuring my photographs and writing of travel with (or without) your dog to Tofino, BC. www.wunderdogmagazine.com Wunderdog Magazine Issue #6, Spring/Summer 2022 From our friends photograph and writing update on dogs I wrote about in past issues www.wunderdogmagazine.com Wunderdog Magazine Issue #5, Autumn 2021 The Bulldog Rescuer Who Nose Best 6-page spread, writing and photography featuring a local bulldog rescue and the issues surrounding the exploitation of one of the most popular breeds in the world. www.wunderdogmagazine.com Wunderdog Magazine Issue #2, Spring 2020 Sleddies Unite Cover photo and 8-page spread, writing and photography featuring my nine year documentary project following the post-working lives and adoptions of former sled dogs. www.wunderdogmagazine.com BCSPCA Animal Sense Various editions from 2011 to 2013 Pique News, Whistler, BC September 9, 2015 Happy ending for former Whistler sled dogs, Brandon Barrett https://www.piquenewsmagazine.com/whistler-news/happy-ending-for-former-whistler-sled-dogs-2499098 Local business collaborations:
Photography volunteer collaborations:
Somewhere To Go: Punk Victoria Documentary Film, 2017 Director: Paulina Ortlieb Photographs within the film https://www.facebook.com/somewheretogopunkvictoria Sled Dogs Documentary Film, 2016 Director: Fern Levitt Photographs within the film www.sleddogsfilm.com EXHIBITIONS Tools of a Hobby-ist Dentist Saanich Municipal Hall Summer 2017 Installation of photographs and display of vintage dental equipment in main hall display The Old-Retold Saanich Municipal Hall Summer 2016 Photography exhibition in upper lobby and mayor’s office The Old-Retold Kay’s Korner Experienced Goods 2015 Photography exhibition in shop where many of the subjects were gleaned from The Old-Retold Shatterbox Coffee Shop Winter 2013 Photography exhibition |