Today is Chi Chi's 10th birthday so to celebrate we went to the Lagoon... rain be damned. The dogs outnumbered the humans (the way it should be) and the small ones kept up with the tall ones. Plus it was Cola's first trip with this gang to the lagoon and he had a blast.
We started off with a toast to the birthday girl and then we wandered up the beach and back down with Chi Chi making sure to explore all along the way... she even went into the ocean and got caught by a wave - we thought that might stop her, but nope... she shook it off (all over my lens) and then went back to adventure time - even snagging Lola's stick and making a break for it. And since Heather isn't allowed to run right now, I hung my camera around her neck and stole Cola so I could run him down the beach... and man that boy can RUN! (Thank you Heather for taking some photos!). After we got back to the cars, we had a little photo op in which NO ONE looked at my camera (CLASSIC!) so we said our goodbyes... and as I watched Shannon walk away with the dogs, I could see that Chi Chi was ready to do it all over again... Happy Birthday Chi Chi, you really are the happiest dog in the world. My apologies for the wet lens, but that's just the way it goes when you're celebrating a dog's birthday on a rainy day on the beach. Thanks Shannon, Chi Chi + Lola; Heather, Saru + Cola; and the two Cocos (Mister and the Miss) for such a fun afternoon! (and yes... there are a few captions if you want to read some more) |