Daphne is the companion of my friend Maggie. Recently adopted after a being part of a cruelty investigation, Daphne has finally put on some weight and is building up muscle through lots of activity and hikes.
Daphne, like all Great Danes, is a gaggle of legs. She's also silly and funny and sensitive. She can be a bit shy, but she's learning to trust herself and others and the bond these two have formed is magical. I just love that they've found each other and will get to share some fun years together. For the photo session, we met at a local park that Daphne knew and was comfortable at. Plus, it had tall grass. The kind of tall grass that a Great Dane can hide in. It would also obscure parts of her, just like she hides some of her personality. It'd been a hot day, but the magic hour found us so I was able to create images like I'd imagined. I'm a sucker for back-lit grasses, so Daphne got to play, meet some dog friends and show off some skills, but also just toodle along for a summer evening walk. I've included a few photos from a recent session along with some words Maggie agreed to share about how she and Daphne met. Thanks for visiting, wendy
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i saw some flowers at the grocery store, i'm quite sure they were dyed yellow, but they were pretty nonetheless
i brought them to my studio where i found a dead bee on the floor under the skylight (sorry little bee) so i pulled out my bone collection to see what I could do with these three pieces then i grabbed some green velvety fabric, a piece of wood i'd cut and a few other props i have on hand and started to work my studio is in a cottage behind my parent's house so after a bit i went outside to enlist my dad - who'd been working in the garden - to hold flowers dad had a desk job for years but he always kept busy doing manual work - gardening, painting, puttering in the yard the tint of his forearms reflect his time spent outside this year i haven't been to my studio much over the last year because of, well, a bunch of reasons but there's something that happens when i'm there and get in the flow it's a very cool feeling and afterwards when i'm done reviewing and editing the images i made, i have to decide what (and if) i'll share - put out there into the word - and often times i don't because i don't want to be judged, or have to explain my fascination with bones or dark subjects, or confuse people as they wonder why i'm not sharing more images of dogs... or whatever people think (or don't) when they see my work but it's not about that right now... it's about just getting on with it, creating, and allowing that part of me to just do its thing without judgement... and i'm going to try to share it... or at least put it out there, right here. thanks for visiting, w note - images were taken back on june 3, 2021 Two more former sled dogs retired today!!
Welcome to Cally (left) + Ice! For more about these sweeties and their photo set, please visit my Sled Dog Blog at: I Was A Sled Dog Thanks! |