The Esquimalt Lagoon is one of my favourite places to go. When our Suzy was alive, she LOVED the place. She'd walk along the shoreline on the calmer waters of the lagoon side up to her knees, and she'd sniff and run and sniff some more - visiting people and other dogs with her flouncy tail held high like a flag. And even though it's been almost six months since our sweet l'il Suzy passed away, I still love that place and make a point of going as often as I can. It makes me feel close to her and happy and I feel her presence there more than almost anywhere else. Plus, no matter what the weather (see previous post) it always leaves me feeling inspired... and my pockets are heavier as I can't leave without taking a few beach rocks.
Today was no exception. So me, the Mister and l'il Miss (Coco, my parents' dog), along with our extra special buddies Heather, Saru + Cola, Shannon, ChiChi + Lola and the woman who brought 5 of the 6 of these dogs into our lives, Penny, spent some time having fun in the sun and the nice ocean breeze. Cola (a retired sleddie who's still learning about the big, wide world) ventured out onto the rocks, Saru let his feet *sort of* get damp, the Mister wanted no part of the water and had to be carried at times due to his weird little legs, the little Miss Coco made sure she got her share of treats ( all of 8lbs of her), Lola chased sticks and snacks, and Chichi, well she was trying hard to make up her own adventures. I continue to be in awe of these dogs every time we hang out. Their dependent, yet independent natures, they way they all get along. They way they have defied convention... Thanks gang for yet a spectacular afternoon. (please click on images for captions) Comments are closed.